Talking with myself — a madwoman’s ramblings on herself and her archiveThe archives of madness live in you. They breathe the same air you do, drink the same tetrapak of cheap rum when things get too much, kiss…Jun 3, 2024Jun 3, 2024
Who owns the transsexual — reflections on the sexual ownership of trans bodiestrigger warning: sexual violence, r*pe, transphobiaNov 30, 20213Nov 30, 20213
The Art of Living with a Suit of Thorns: reflections of a conversion therapy survivororiginally published at the sangya projectOct 13, 2021Oct 13, 2021
To my peopleThe war that I thought would end rages on My people stabbing my people Who then are my people, my people? One cries at one's kind only in…Sep 28, 2021Sep 28, 2021